All posts by albertocondewp

Master classes Jazz interpretation


26/02/2018 @ 08:0001/03/2018 @ 17:00

Clases magistrales en la especialidad de Interpretación-Jazz en el Conservatorio Superior de Música Giusseppe Martucci de Salerno, dentro del programa Erasmus, entre el 26 de Febrero y el 1 de Marzo de 2018, ambos incluidos, impartidas por Alberto Conde y Kin García, profesores del Conservatorio Superior de Música de La Coruña, y por la cantante-vocalista Diana Tarín como invitada en la especialidad de jazz afrocubano.


Corrente do Golfo

Corrente do Golfo Is a project framing within the latin-jazz stream, whose sources of research focus on showing some of the causes and motives of the musical movement generated in Cuba in the second half of the nineteenth century and first half of the twentieth under the influence and momentum Cuban and Spanish / Spanish musicians, poets and pedagogues / pedagogues, whose lyrical and musical improvement is produced in European colleges to later support the development of popular Afro-Cuban music genres and Cuban jazz, of great value and recognized international prestige.


XXXI International Jazz Plaza 2015 – La Havana. Beginning of the Conde-Tarín duet perfoming in a quartet training with the cuban drummer Yissy Garcia and the cuban contrabassist Jorge González playing in a series of concerts within the program of jazz festival of Havana.


The Peruchin Jazz and Tradition with the leader Peruchín, and El Peje and El Fino in the picture (members of Chucho Valdés and The Afro Cuban Mesengers) invite the Conde-Tarín duet to one of his concerts in the Jazz Plaza Festival.


        The National Center for Popular Music and the Center for Research and Development of Cuban Music awarded the diploma to Alberto Conde in recognition of the participation in the XI International Jazz Colloquium of the Havana Jazz Festival.



Dúo Conde-Tarín / Diana Tarín – voice / Alberto Conde – piano
Alberto Conde – composition, Amor Herrera – lyrics.
Borja Brun – video producer –  Comunicarte
Pablo Barreiro – music recording – RTVG Production.


     La Jiribilla interview · Revista Cultural Cubana ·

Cuban jazz continues to be a constant source of creativity…

view interview


        12th-1st-2016 is performed a public concert recorded in audiovisual format in the Garufa Club of A Coruña (Galicia), which is the first block of recordings planned for the Project.

Corrente do Golfo.corrente

On May 24th and 25th-2017, a second chapter of audiovisual was recorded for the project, It was make video-audio at García Barbón Theater, at Martín Codax Auditorium and on beaches and open spaces around Vigo city (Galicia). In this recording participated a wide cast of musicians from different disciplines, between soloists and formations of recognized prestige from Galicia and Cuba. Forty musicians were cited in the G.B Theater also in Martín Codax Auditorium of Vigo, recorded by Tolemias – Production Company, with script and coordination by Luis Cuntín and direction producer and musical direction by Alberto Conde.

vigo voz

Photos: Voz de Galicia and Faro de Vigo

On the same May 24th, during the breaks of the recordings, a public preview was offered in live concert at the Vitruvia Café-Vigo, with the 1906 brand support.


Presentation of the Corriente del Gofo in Naples and Salerno – Italy between February 26 and March 3.

There will be master classes in the specialty of Interpretation-Jazz at the Conservatory (College) of Music ‘Giusseppe Martucci’ de Salerno, within the Erasmus program, between February 26 and March 1 – 2018, both included, taught by Alberto Conde and Kin Garcia , professors at the Conservatory (College) of Music of La Coruña, and singer-vocalist Diana Tarín as a guest in the Afro-Cuban jazz specialty.

Concerts “Gal-Italia Corriente del Golfo” – Quintet:

  • Thursday March 1st, Blue Around Midnight Jazz Club in Nápoles.
  • Friday March 2nd, Pub Il Moro in Salerno.




Between 24th and 28th of November – 2017, The Alberto Conde Iberian Roots trío did two concerts and the sound register of the album The Wake of an Artist – Tribute to Bernardo Sassetti, 5 years after his death.


24 – concert in Braço da Prata – Lisbon.

26 – concert at the SMUP – Parede.

27 and 28 – recording the album at the Namouche studio in Lisbon.

Critic of the concert of the SMUP in Parede-Lisboa


New musical formation led by the Galician-spanish pianist Alberto Conde with the Portuguese double bass player Carlos Barretto and the Portuguese-brasilian drummer Alexandre Fraçao which offers a interpretation of new compositions from the repertoire of Iberian jazz by Pablo Beltrán, José Valente, the owned by Alberto Conde and Bernardo Sassetti´s recognized pianist and composer from Portugal passed away five years ago.

The trio has staged a first musical encounter in Vigo city (Galicia) on June 14, 2017 with a live performance at Café Vitruvia and there will recording in Lisbon on November 27 and 28 for Cleen Feed label.


iberian1 iberian2


Corrente doGolfo. O novo Son do Jazz

El 1-12-2016 se ha presentado oficialmente el inicio del proyecto “Corrente do Golfo” en un concierto en directo, grabado en formato audio-visual en el Garufa Club de A Coruña, proyecto que da continuidad a los conciertos realizados en el XXXI festival Jazz Plaza de la ciudad de la Habana. “Corrente do Golfo” pretende ser una obra documental en formato audio-visual, discográfico y literario que desarrolle a través de nuevas creaciones una muestra del mundo de la música cubana, gallega y española en clave de jazz latino.


Se trata de un nuevo proyecto de creación dentro del denominado Jazz Latino, en el que el pianista y compositor Alberto Conde acompañado por la cantante Diana Tarín, fusionan el jazz gallego con el jazz cubano. La guía programática se basa en la tradición histórica que une a los dos pueblos.

El proyecto ha sido presentado en el XXXI festival internacional Jazz Plaza de la Habana (2015) en formación de cuarteto, contando con la colaboración artística de la baterista cubana Yissi García y el bajista Jorge González.



El motivo que guía esta iniciativa es el de crear un nuevo puente musical entre América Latina y la Península Ibérica, actualizando los lazos afectivos entre Galicia y Cuba. Las históricas referencias que unen al pueblo cubano con la península ibérica son muchas y de gran calado histórico. El presente proyecto trata elementos culturales todavía desconocidos popularmente que por su importancia histórica pretenden ser sacados a la luz y dados a conocer. Igualmente, trata de ofrecer una plataforma de reconocimiento a músicos cubanos en el ámbito europeo al tiempo que músicos gallegos en territorios latino americanos.

Otro de los principales objetivos del proyecto es musicalizar a poetas cubanos contemporáneos incluyendo letras y textos originales que complementen y hagan posible el conjunto de la obra, así como la inclusión de materiales musicales originales, inspirados en las corrientes de la arquitectura neoclásica de principios del siglo XX de la Habana, como la Sala Ignacio Cervantes del Antiguo Casino Español, en la trova trinitaria, o las corrientes migratorias del compositor Ernesto Lecuona.